10:39 AM


3 new releases and a new store location

First, the shape from the Essential Lash ads...followed by the various height bundle and a set of poses.  I really liked how the poses turned out so I'll be making a lot more of those... I might even try my hand at animation, who knows.  Anyway, I hope you like today's release...it's time for me to get back to making stuff.  <3

Available on the marketplace  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/63494

Or in-world  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Steingrim/97/168/27

9:13 AM

Dawnde made some beautiful lashes for those of us who love to wear prim lashes but want a more natural look, available on the marketplace here

or in-world here

Also, the Tess shape seems to be fairly popular so I've put up a height options bundle for people who'd like to be shorter or taller.  I'm considering doing this for all of the shapes I have up, depending on how popular this one is.

5:44 PM

sleepover pranks... making a comeback

lawl wut?

12:26 PM

eyes eyes eyes

Listed some hand-painted/drawn eyes on the marketplace...sometimes you get an idea..like "oh I should make some eyes"...and it seems like a good idea at the time.  And then, 3 days later, after you're done uploading them, creating separate ads for them, boxing them, and listing them on the marketplace one by one, you begin to wonder if maybe it was such a good idea after-all.  Well, it's all done now, so I'm just going to enjoy my little feeling of accomplishment and be thankful that I can sit back and relax!  ./falls on face

available on the sl marketplace here